producer spends millions on logistics. Check if you can take advantage of it

producer spends millions on logistics. Check if you can take advantage of it

CANPACK Group is a metal packaging company that has been in business for 30 years. During this period, it has become a leading manufacturer in the beverage packaging industry in Central and Eastern Europe, and constantly strengthens its market position in Western Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.

Taking into consideration all the warning signals from the market, we see our opportunity to adapt  to the new business reality by reducingthe distance between our factories (warehouses) and the final recipients of our products. Working towards finding solutions we would appreciate your potential partnerships wherein we offer long term, stable and large volume of door to door FTL shipments as a roundtrip within the Benelux area (light cargo, short distances, fixed price per trip).

Thanks to the above aims:

  • we will be able limit the needto use a large number of trucks and drivers for distribution
  • we will optimize driver’s driving time (in case of driving without waiting, loading or unloading)
  • we will be able to provide our customers with an optimal level of quality and guarantee volumes during the peak season and throughthe year

We invite everyone who recognizes the opportunity for developing and growing with us, especially logistics and transportation companies who can offer us:

  • LZV trucks and road-trains (max height & length, light cargo up to 4 tones)
  • readiness for long term investments dedicated for us (dedicated trucks)

We look forward to your direct contact with our Logistics Office:

Piotr Kwiatkowski

phone: +48 52 58 44 253



Posted in

Christophe Slegers

Christophe Slegers is de oprichter van en Managing Partner bij, het nieuwsportaal over logistiek, transport en supply chain in België. Sinds 2001 is hij actief in de domeinen Human Resources, Online Sales, Media en uiteraard Logistiek.

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