A4E Cargo CEOs vragen de EU leiders om meer steun in eerste beleidsmanifest

A4E Cargo CEOs vragen de EU leiders om meer steun in eerste beleidsmanifest

Europe’s leading air cargo CEOs today unveiled a set of key policy asks for the new EU mandate through 2024. The first-ever A4E Air Cargo Policy Manifesto outlines specific ways in which EU policymakers can support air cargo carriers in their drive towards a more efficient, sustainable and digitized air transport of the future. It calls for further harmonisation among Member States when implementing EU rules on security and customs practices; more ambitious joint efforts to digitalise the entire logistics chain as well as support for innovation projects and increased sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production.

Speaking at A4E’s Air Cargo: Europe’s Bridge to the Global Economy event in Brussels, Lufthansa Cargo CEO Peter Gerber said, “To ensure air cargo’s continuous, sustainable growth over the next decades, joint efforts are needed to preserve and enhance the competitiveness of the sector for the benefit of European consumers and businesses alike. This includes the development of a regulatory framework which focuses on seamless and efficient EU trade with the rest of the world – prioritising security, customs and digitalisation initiatives”.

The majority of A4E members have air cargo and mail activities. Due to fierce international competition, European air cargo companies are proactively leveraging efficiency potentials through innovative projects in order to foster greater sustainability. However, such measures often require  high investments on the part of airlines and therefore urgent political backing, e.g. through further development of the EU regulatory framework. Although representing 2.6% of trade volumes, European air cargo accounts for nearly 30% of exports and 21% of imports in terms of value[1], making it a crucial enabler of economic activity throughout the continent and beyond.

“Given its high operational and infrastructure costs, commitment from EU leaders to the air cargo sector is increasingly important to streamline complex EU regulations and implement them at national level”, said Thomas Reynaert, Managing Director, Airlines for Europe (A4E). “Policymakers can also make a lasting contribution to carriers’ transformation efforts by enabling funding for digitalisation and innovation projects, as well as incentivizing SAF use. Our members look forward to contributing to the sustainable growth of the sector by working hand-in-hand with the European institutions in the coming years”, Reynaert added.

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